Announcing Vogue’s Forces of Fashion Conference With Marc Jacobs, Stella McCartney, and More

Vogue, in partnership with American Airlines, Milk and HP, is bringing together some of the world’s most celebrated designers for Forces of Fashion, a conference primed to spark frank and lively discussion around the current state of the industry. The one-day event is the first of its kind and will feature a series of intimate and informative dialogues between designers and the editors of Vogue. “When it came to our 125th anniversary, designers had to be part of the celebration; who they are, and what they do, is so much part of Vogue. Yet we wanted to do something that is different, and which speaks to the world today; the collective desire for experience and connection,” says Vogue Editor in Chief Anna Wintour. “Forces of Fashion will bring together some of our favorite names, and allow them the opportunity to speak in a way they’ve never done before; live and direct with Vogue’s editors on a day that we believe will be as informative as it is intimate. You’ll need to be there to really experience it!”
The current lineup features 10 editor-designer talks: Fashion Director Tonne Goodman and Stella McCartney on the future of ethical fashion, International Editor at Large Hamish Bowles and Dries Van Noten on the power of independent design, and more. These will be no-holds-barred and nothing-is-off-the-table conversations; everything about what it means to be designing and working in 2017 is, and will be, up for discussion. Tickets for the event in New York City are available from today and are priced at $3,000, which includes breakfast, lunch, cocktails, and full access to the conference schedule.
For more information or to purchase tickets,
